MSD Northwest District candidates respond to questions

By The Paper staff

Four individuals – Doug Bogert, Todd Dazey, Teresa Galley and Ryan Rosen – are seeking the Northwest District seat on the Metropolitan School District of Wabash County school board in the Nov. 6 General Election.

The Paper of Wabash County submit a series of questions to the candidates and invited them to respond. A limit of 125 words per question was given, and The Paper reserved the right to edit responses exceeding the word limit.

Here are the questions and the candidates’ answers. They appear alphabetically in rotating order:

Posted on 2018 Nov 02
MSD Northeast District candidates respond to questions

By The Paper staff

Three individuals – Sandy Davis, Matt Driscoll and Tiffany Haupert – are seeking the Northeast District seat on the Metropolitan School District of Wabash County school board in the Nov. 6 General Election.

The Paper of Wabash County submit a series of questions to the candidates and invited them to respond. A limit of 125 words per question was given, and The Paper reserved the right to edit responses exceeding the word limit.

Davis did not respond to The Paper’s request by its deadline of noon Friday, Nov. 2. Here are the questions and answers from Driscoll and Haupert.

Posted on 2018 Nov 02
Former clerk gets 4-year sentence

By Joseph Slacian

A former clerk in the City of Wabash’s Wastewater Treatment Plant received a four-year sentence in the Indiana Department of Corrections during a hearing Monday in Wabash Circuit Court.

However, two of those four years were suspended by Judge Robert McCallen III, and the former clerk, Angelina Monroe, will serve those two years on probation. She also received credit for four days time served in the Wabash County Jail.

Monroe pled guilty on Oct. 1 to theft in connection with taking more than $152,000 from the Wastewater Treatment Plant. In exchange, charges of official misconduct, corrupt business influence and a second theft charge would be dropped.

She also must make restitution to the City of Wabash for $152,127.54 and to the State Board of Accounts for $26,477.38.


Posted on 2018 Oct 30
Early voting numbers exceed '14

By Joseph Slacian

Early voting began Oct 10 in Wabash County.

In its first 19 days, more voters have cast early voting ballots than in the entire time set aside for early voting in 2014, the last mid-term election, according to Wabash County Clerk Elaine Martin.

By Monday morning, Oct. 29, 2,226 people have cast early ballots for the Nov. 6 General Election, Martin told The Paper of Wabash County. That compares to 1,178 people who cast votes in 2014.

“I believe the school board races for MSD and Manchester, plus the school referendum for Manchester is the biggest concern on the local level,” Martin said.

The race for U.S. Senate between Democrat incumbent Joe Donnelly and Republican challenger Mike Braun also may be bringing people to the polls, she added.

Early voting will continue at the clerk’s office in the Wabash County Judicial Center from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. through Friday, Nov. 2, and from 8 a.m. to noon Monday, Nov. 5.

Posted on 2018 Oct 30
MU is 'envy of others,' McFadden says

By Amanda Bridgman

NORTH MANCHESTER -- Manchester University President David McFadden provided a university update to stakeholders on Wednesday, Oct. 24, at the annual Community Breakfast in the Jo Young Switzer Center.

McFadden said that while some schools are going under, MU is in a good place, with stable enrollment and responsible budgeting.

“At the end of the day, Manchester generates $1 million in surpluses. I don't know another institution that does that,” he said. “That takes an enormous amount of discipline.”

“We have an A minus credit rating,” he continued. “Many colleges would kill just have a credit rating.”

That data falls onto McFadden's list of why MU is the “envy of others.”

There are many challenges facing undergraduate enrollment. With the perceived value of higher education declining and an increasing number of students not graduating high school, fewer are choosing private institutions and are underprepared when they do go to college.

Posted on 2018 Oct 30
Woman pleads guilty in NM man's death

By Nancy Neff

A Columbia City woman pled guilty to the 2017 shooting death of her former husband and attempted murder of his wife in North Manchester.

On Monday, Tiffany Chapman-Lane, 34, entered a plea agreement in Wabash Circuit Court for the murder of her ex-husband, Jacob Chapman, and attempted murder of his wife, Sarah Chapman, in their North Manchester driveway.

According to police reports, Chapman had a protective order against Chapman-Lane and contacted North Manchester Police on May 25, 2017, after Chapman-Lane informed him she was bringing some paperwork for him. NM Police were en route to Chapman’s residence when Chapman-Lane gave her ex-husband the paperwork.

Posted on 2018 Oct 30
Visitors tour Alber House

By Joseph Slacian

Visitors from around the area stepped back into history on Saturday while touring the Alber House,

Built in 1849, the home is thought to be one of the oldest homes still standing in Wabash County.

Philip Alber, with help from his brother, built his home in just 10 days in 1849, according information from Indiana Landmarks.

An immigrant from Lichtenstein where he made his living as a mason, Alber used local brick and stone. He and his wife, Barbara, lived on the upper floor. The lower level, with access from the rear, served as a German-style café that opened to a backyard beer garden. Alber was locally known for his brewing skills and along with a business partner founded the Reddig & Alber Brewing Co.

Posted on 2018 Oct 30
Arc Art show set for Nov. 2

By Josh Sigler

“A Touch of Arc” Art Show and reception, featuring works created by South Miami Street Artists, will be held on Friday, Nov. 2 from 5-8 p.m. at Borders & Beyond Gallery, 24 W. Canal St., Wabash, during the First Friday festivities.

The art work featured in this show was created by people with disabilities who receive services at Arc of Wabash County. Individuals attend classes taught by Arc staff who have backgrounds in art and are artists in their own right. Most paintings are the result of collaborations between Arc staff and persons served by Arc. Paintings in this show were produced by 23 artists.

Posted on 2018 Oct 30

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