Venison donation program connects hunters and the public

A program that allows hunters to give deer meat to those who want venison will be available again this fall.

GiveIN Game, DNR Division of Fish & Wildlife’s venison donation program, will be available for its third year. Hunters who are willing to donate venison and people who would like to receive venison began registering on Sept. 1 at

Posted on 2013 Sep 10
Manchester Main Street “Riverfront” Park to hold opening ceremony

Manchester Main Street (MMS) is hosting a “Riverfront” Park opening ceremony on Sept. 11, at 5:30 p.m., to celebrate this truly collaborative community effort and wonderful addition to North Manchester. The event is open to the public and is a chance to meet the talented artists who helped make the park a reality. 

Posted on 2013 Sep 10
Museum announces Annual Operating Fund Campaign

The Wabash County Historical Museum, Inc. recently announced the start of their 2013 Annual Operating Fund Campaign. Mitch Figert, the museum’s recently appointed Executive Director, announced this year’s goal of $115,000.

“This is an aggressive goal compared to previous years’ campaigns,” Figert stated. “We have a lot happening at the museum and this campaign reflects the numerous improvements and additions taking place at our facility.”

Figert, who has been with the museum since mid-July, has openly commented on his plans to further engage families and youth in the historical museum. The museum currently admits all area school groups at no charge to the school corporations, educators or families.


Posted on 2013 Sep 10
Wabash CBV holds open house for leaving tourism coordinator

The Wabash County Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) will host an open house on Sept. 13 from 4—6 p.m. at the new Welcome Center and Gift Shop to thank Jill Ross for her service to the organization for nearly three years.

Ross, Tourism Coordinator for the Wabash County Convention and Visitors Bureau, has accepted a position as Marketing and Business Development Director with L.A.P, Inc., a locally owned and operated business. Her last day with the CVB will be Sept. 13.

Posted on 2013 Sep 10
Autumn Craft Bazaar and Bake Sale Seeks Vendors

by Ashley Flynn

The Wabash County Extension Homemakers are seeking vendors for their annual Autumn Craft Bazaar scheduled for Sept. 21 at the REMC Building. They have extended the deadline to register as a vendor to Sept. 16.

Vendors may sell artwork, baked goods, crafts, health and beauty products or other items.  There will also be vendors selling manufactured products such as Pampered Chef, Tastefully Simple and Premier Designs Jewelry.

Each vendor is asked to provide a door prize to be raffled during the events. There will be refreshments and free admission for visitors.

Posted on 2013 Sep 10
eLearning arrives at MSD of Wabash County

The three Rs have added a big E in Metropolitan School District of Wabash County. eLearning is here! The Department of Education is working closely with MSD of Wabash County to advance electronic learning opportunities for our digital native youth, kids who only know the world with computers and smart phones. 

The “EDays” structure forged in collaboration with educational innovators from IDOE’s eLearning division will provide students and teachers valuable experience in the rapidly emerging eLearning realm.  The schools’ staff will create, deliver, assess and document eLearning instruction on three school days during the school year. These experiences are essential because most universities and a great many employers already use eLearning extensively.

Posted on 2013 Sep 10
Entertainment named for 72nd annual Chamber dinner meeting

Larry Hoover, Annual Dinner Committee Chair, has announced that reservations are available for the Wabash County Chamber of Commerce's 72nd Annual Dinner Meeting to be held on Thursday, Oct. 10. The Chamber’s Annual Meeting is one of the largest in the state. 

The meeting features the Passing of the Gavel to new leadership, Recognition of the recently announced 2013 Business of the Year, Agro Chem, Inc.; Honoring of Chamber Volunteers, Presentation of the President’s Choice Award, Announcement of the Distinguished Citizen, and quality entertainment. 

The evening will start with an excellent meal prepared by the culinary staff of the Honeywell Center.  The meal includes a duet plate of pork tenderloin medallions; herb roasted chicken, garlic redskin mashed potatoes, green beans, tossed salad and assorted pies.

Posted on 2013 Sep 10
Local billiard teams compete in Las Vegas

by Kalie Ammons

Not very many people think of shooting pool as a girls’ day out, but that’s exactly what Dena Hendrix, the captain of the No Drama Mamas, a billiards league based out of Grant County, calls their monthly meetings.

“We decided that we were just going to have fun and that was going to be our goal, to be good sports and have fun every month, like a girls’ day out.”

It turns out that all of that having fun paid off. After only playing together for nine months, in their first competition together, the No Drama Mamas won a trip to compete in Las Vegas.

“This was our first session together. It’s pretty amazing; they said that just never happens. The team that we beat in the local team championship to win our trip to Vegas had been to Vegas three times in a row,” Hendrix told The Paper.

The team consists of eight players, including: Dena Hendrix, Brandy Swanner, Amber Simpson, Jenny Smith, Beth Shenefield, Leslie Barker, and Amy Brandle.

Posted on 2013 Sep 03

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