F.C. Tucker/Wabash Realty agent retires, new agent welcomed

Marilyn Boardman officially retired from the real estate business at F.C. Tucker/Wabash Realty on Dec. 31, 2013. Marilyn joined the staff, at that time known as Wabash Realty LLC, in July 2006. She has been licensed in real estate since July 1, 1998. The staff of F.C. Tucker/Wabash Realty wishes Marilyn the very best in her future endeavors and her retirement from the business. Feel free to stop in or drop her a card at 503 N. Cass Street, Wabash. 

Posted on 2014 Jan 14
Stella’s Resale and Thrift expands

by Emily Armentrout

Stella’s Resale and Thrift opened in Wabash last year after Tammy Snyder moved in from Elkhart the year before and fell in love with the town. A visit with her mother, a Wabash resident, inspired Snyder to open a resale shop with her husband. Snyder and her mother would often visit thrift shops together, and she wanted to bring some of that passion to Wabash.

The store’s name came from Snyder’s 9-year-old black lab, Stella. “I never had any girls, and I always wanted to use that name, so I named my dog Stella,” Snyder told The Paper.

Posted on 2014 Jan 14
Wabash County to hold one day of kindergarten round up

If you have a child eligible for kindergarten next fall, kindergarten round-up will be held at the Honeywell Center in the lobby area on Wednesday, March 19 from 8-11:30 a.m. and 4-7 p.m.

Any child eligible to attend kindergarten must go to round up to register for school.

Students must be 5 by Aug. 1, 2014. Parents are to bring a copy of an original Court House issued Birth Certificate and shot records to round up, along with registration papers filled out. Registration papers can be obtained by calling or stopping by the school the child will be attending.

Please call your respective school and pre-register and to pick up the packet of paperwork.

The final day to register is Feb. 25.

The kindergarten entrance requirements are:

-official birth certificate, age 5 by Aug. 1, 2014

-dental exam, free at round-up

-vision screen, free at round up

-physical exam, done by your own physician

-immunizations, 5 DTAP, 4 Polio, 2 MMR, Hepatitis B (series of 3), 2 Varicella (chicken pox), 2 Hep (A), all free

The free dental exam, vision screens, lead testing, and booster shots will be available at round-up. This is the opportunity to meet requirements for attending school in the fall.

Posted on 2014 Jan 14
The Wabash County FSA encourages winter storm livestock loss reports

The Wabash County Farm Service Agency office is encouraging all producers in Wabash County that own or raise livestock of the importance of keeping accurate records of any losses that may have occurred during the recent storm. The records should include adequate proof that livestock deaths occurred as a direct result of the storm. The quantity and kind of livestock that died as a direct result of the eligible disaster event may be documented by purchase records, veterinary records, bank or other loan documents, rendering truck receipts or personal production records. Reports of loss should be filed with the local FSA within 30 days of the loss.

The 2008 Farm Bill Act that created the Livestock Indemnity Program has expired. There is hope however that a new Farm Bill will restore the program and allow producers to be compensated for livestock losses caused by an eligible event.

Producers with questions may call the Wabash County FSA office for further information. The phone number is 260-563-3145 Ext 2.

Posted on 2014 Jan 14
Wabash County Sheriff’s Department releases monthly and yearly statistics

The Wabash County Sheriff’s Department reported 44 traffic citations in December, along with 51 traffic warnings. There were 7 DUI arrests and 2 other alcohol related arrests made.

There were 16 total individual arrests made, with a total of 4 felony counts and 19 misdemeanor counts. The department worked 34 criminal cases and 68 crashes.

They had a total of 71 transports, served 352 civil process papers, 8 warrants and had 14 public appearances. The department made a total 723 calls for service in December 2013.

Posted on 2014 Jan 14
Chamber of Commerce announces series of events in January

by Eric Stearley

The Wabash County Chamber of Commerce announced would like to invite the public to four events this months starting Jan. 21.

The chamber will once again host Scot Goskowicz, a small business counselor from the Fort Wayne Small Business Development Center on Jan. 21. Goskowicz will be available to help those starting a new business, as well as those seeking assistance with a current business. Goskowicz and the Fort Wayne SBDC offer assistance with marketing demographics, funding options, business and succession planning, growing ideas, setting goals, identifying resources, pursuing opportunities and overcoming challenges in business. These appointments, which take place at the Chamber of Commerce, located at 210 S. Wabash St., are designed to help prospective and current business owners set their ideas into motion, connect with more experience professionals, and share knowledge about running a small business. Appointments for the free counseling must be scheduled through the chamber office, which can be contacted by calling 260-563-1168.

Posted on 2014 Jan 14
Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative to hold field days at the end of January

On Jan. 29, farmers, agronomists and others interested in soil health improvement will have an opportunity to attend a Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative (CCSI) field day near Vincennes. On the following day, Jan. 30, high school students are invited to take part in hands-on soil health demonstrations.

Mike Brocksmith, field day host and one of 12 CCSI farmers, feels strongly that cover crops and soil health synergies are the missing link in protecting, rebuilding, and enhancing soil resources.

“The average farmer only gets to manage about 40 cropping seasons. Improving soil health is a long term process, you don't just decide you want healthy soil and flip a switch or throw some dollar bills out there and have healthy soil.” said Brocksmith. “Improving soil health is a marathon, not a 100 yard dash. The time to start is now.”

Posted on 2014 Jan 14
85 Hope and Hope Foundation join to promote cervical cancer awareness

by Emily Armentrout

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month and two local organizations, 85 Hope and the Hope Foundation, are joining together to promote cervical cancer awareness and serve the women of Wabash County.

85 Hope is a free medical clinic in Wabash County that provides care for the uninsured. Their mission statement explains: “85 Hope is inspired by the Gospel to provide free primary healthcare services to uninsured, low-income residents of Wabash County.”

The Hope Foundation was created to “supplement the cost of certain patient expenses, defray the cost of medical education through the Tumor Board, and pay a portion of the oncology nursing education for OCN certification,” according to the Hope Foundation brochure.

85 Hope opened their doors on Dec. 1, 2011 at Wabash Friends Church. They provide 40-50 office visits per month, along with free medication, lab and x-ray services. The organization, led by Executive Director Laura Helm, is staffed by volunteer doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses and allied health staff. It has received grants and donations from the United Fund, Community Foundation, Lutheran Foundation, Ford Meter Box Foundation, Chili for Charity, First United Methodist Church, private donors and numerous other churches and services organizations.



Posted on 2014 Jan 08

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