City hires firm to design inclusive playground

By Joseph Slacian

A Fortville firm will develop preliminary designs for the city’s John Drook Memorial Park Inclusive Playground.

The Wabash Board of Public Works and Safety approved a contract between the city and Context Landscape Architecture, Fortville, on Wednesday, March 18.

The design phase will cost $29,000, with up to $5,000 for additional expenses. The contract is not to exceed $34,000.

The park was included in the city’s Stellar Grant Application. However, after being named a Stellar Community in August, the city later learned that none of the agencies that fund the Stellar project – the Office of Community and Rural Affairs, the Indiana Department of Transportation and the Indiana Hosing and Community Development Authority – provide funding for parks.

Posted on 2015 Mar 24
Buddy Holly returns to the stage in rock and roll musical

By Emma Rausch

On March 29, Buddy Holly returns life to take on the Honeywell Center’s Ford Theatre stage for a one-night only performance of “Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story.”

The rock and roll musical tells the story of Holly, played by Todd Meredith, and his rise to fame in 1957.

When Meredith first took on his roll as Holly, he said he researched the singer, songwriter, and producer as much as he could, including analyzing Holly’s guitar playing.

“I read all of his biographies and tried to look up as many YouTube videos,” Meredith said in an interview with The Paper. “There aren’t many videos of him performing live, and there are even less of his speaking voice, but whatever I found I used to try and throw into the character.”

Posted on 2015 Mar 24
‘A flip’n good time’ at Wabash Kiwanis Pancake Day

Ryan Baker shows off the items he received for winning the second annual open division pancake eating contest on Saturday, March 21, during the Wabash Kiwanis Club’s annual Pancake Day breakfast. Photo by Jody Slacian

By Emma Rausch

The Wabash County community gathered at the 4-H Building on March 21 to support the Wabash Kiwanis Club’s Pancake Day.

As the club’s main fundraising event, all proceeds will go towards the club’s philanthropic projects, including Wabash’s Hanna Park and Kiwanis International’s Eliminate Project, according to Judy Ward, Pancake Day chairman.

“We’re glad the community came out to support us,” Ward said. “We had a good number, though of course you always welcome more to come.”

Ward thanks the community for coming out and the sponsors for their monetary donations to help with expenses.

Posted on 2015 Mar 24
City of Wabash Mayoral Debate planned

The Paper of Wabash County and the Wabash County Chamber of Commerce are sponsoring a mayoral debate on April 16 at the Wabash County Historical Museum. The debate will begin at 7 p.m.

A series of questions will be prepared by organizers. However, city residents are invited to submit questions for possible use in the debate.

Those wishing to ask questions may click on the following link:

Posted on 2015 Mar 19
Police seek info on rash of burglaries

By Joseph Slacian

The Wabash County Sheriff’s Department is seeking the public’s help in solving a string of 10 burglaries that have taken place in Wabash County in recent weeks.

The burglaries, most of which have occurred during the day light hours, have taken place throughout the county, Sheriff Bob Land told The Paper of Wabash County.

Posted on 2015 Mar 18
School funding dominates legislative update

By Joseph Slacian

Preliminary figures in the Indiana budget show that MSD of Wabash County and Manchester Community Schools could see slight funding increases the next two years, while Wabash City Schools could see funding cuts.

That was the word Saturday morning, March 14, from State Sen. Amanda Banks, who was speaking at a legislative update sponsored by the Wabash County Chamber of Commerce and the Wabash County Farm Bureau.

Posted on 2015 Mar 17
Not guilty pleases entered for shooting suspect

By Joseph Slacian

Preliminary pleas of not guilty were entered Tuesday afternoon, March 10, in Wabash Circuit Court for Joshua L. Wright.

Wright, 24, is facing charges of attempted murder, aggravated battery and illegal possession of chemical reagents or precursors. The charges stem from the March 4 shooting of Wright's great-uncle, Terry Larry Lane, at a home in rural North Manchester.

During the hearing, Judge Robert McCallen III read a description of each charge to Wright, who said he understood the charges against him.

In addition to entering the preliminary pleas, McCallen appointed Marion attorney Craig Persinger as Wright's pauper counsel.

Posted on 2015 Mar 17
Somerset local dignified as 500 Festival Princess

Jenna Schmidt, a local Southwood High School graduate, was chosen as a 500 Festival Princess alongside 33 other Indiana, college-aged women. Schmidt is currently studying a dual major in Special and Elementary Education at Purdue University. Photo provided

By Emma Rausch

Somerset resident Jenna Schmidt was chosen to be a 2015 500 Festival Princess, officials with the 500 Festival Committee recently announced.

Schmidt and 32 other women across Indiana were named princesses and will serve as ambassadors of the 500 Festival and Indiana now through May.

“For more than 50 years, the 500 Festival Princess Program has recognized Indiana’s brightest college-aged women,” said Leslie Carter-Prall, 500 Festival board member and princess program committee co-chair in the press release. “The 500 Festival is proud to take the lead on investing our time and resources to shape Indiana’s next generation of leaders.”

Posted on 2015 Mar 17

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