County delays action on heritage barn fees
By Joseph Slacian
Wabash County Commissioners have delayed a decision on if the county should charge a public safety fee on heritage barns.
In March 2014, Gov. Mike Pence signed legislation removing heritage barns from the property tax rolls.
A heritage barn, according to the legislation, must have been built before 1950 and retain sufficient integrity of design, materials and construction to clearly identify the building as a barn.
Posted on 2015 May 19
Local Superior Court Judge applies for seat on Court of Appeals
By Emma Rausch
The Indiana Judicial Nominating Committee announced Wabash Superior Court Judge Christopher M. Goff is one of eight applicants hoping to fill a future vacancy on the Indiana Court of Appeals.
The opportunity to serve on the Appellate Court arose after Appellate Judge Ezra Friedlander announced his plans to retire on Aug. 31. Goff, who has served as a full-time trial court judge for the past 10 years, said this opening vacancy is an opportunity to continue his judicial service at a higher level.
“I’m interested in serving on the Court of Appeals of Indiana because I think it would provide an opportunity that would allow me to serve a greater number of people,” he said in an interview with The Paper of Wabash County.
“I haven’t really been as interested in applying to the Supreme Court as much as I have for that intermediate job on the Court of Appeals just because I feel that that’s more of my personality. I really just prefer to serve and do the work, so the opportunity to write and collaborate with the other judges is highly appealing to me.”
Posted on 2015 May 19
Walkers raise funds for March of Dimes
Tiffaney Drummond talks about her daughter Carter’s experience after being born prematurely in 2014. Carter was the ambassador for the 2015 Walk for Babies sponsored by the March of Dimes. Photo by Joseph Slacian
By Joseph Slacian
Walkers took to the streets of Wabash on Saturday, May 2, for the annual March for Babies fundraising campaign for the March of Dimes.
While numbers were down this year because of a variety of other activities scheduled around the area, officials are thankful for participants and sponsors.
“I was hoping for a better turnout,” Walk coordinator Pat Vanlandingham said. “We had some teams that didn’t show up. And I know there are some other good causes that are going on today, and the first soccer games are going on, too, so we’re competing with a lot of other events.”
Posted on 2015 May 19
Lippe named associate principal for Manchester Junior-Senior High School

Article provided

Dr. Jon K. Lippe was named the Manchester Junior- Senior High School Associate Principal during the Manchester School Board meeting on Tuesday, May 12.  After a year in this position, Lippe will become the principal of Manchester Junior-Senior High School with the retirement of current principal, Nancy Alspaugh, in June 2016.

Lippe has served as an administrator in the Warsaw Community Schools for the past ten years, most recently as the building level principal at Lakeview Middle School.  He has also worked as an assistant principal at Edgewood Middle School and was previously taught physics, astronomy and chemistry at Huntington North High School and Jimtown High School. 

Posted on 2015 May 13
Wabash County fire departments honor fallen brother on 20th anniversary of his death

Wabash County firefighters gathered at Memorial Lawns Cemetery on May 5 to remember Captain Greg Cussen, a Noble Township volunteer firefighter who lost his life in the line of duty 20 years ago. Photo by Emma Rausch
By Emma Rausch
May 5 marked the 20th anniversary of Noble Township Volunteer Fire Department’s loss of Fire Captain Greg Cussen.
Cussen lost his life in the line of duty in 1995 when the department received a call of an explosion at Metro North Elementary School and the school caught fire. Cussen was rushing to the scene when he collided with another emergency vehicle from his fire department.
“There’s a couple of things we want to do here tonight and the first is honor and celebrate Captain Greg Cussen and the sacrifice that he gave, his life and service, and we’re also going to grieve his loss,” Pastor Alex Falder said before his opening prayer. “We hold those two things together, the celebration and the honor and the grief and the loss because any time we lose somebody, it leaves a hole.”
Posted on 2015 May 12
Harvey lawsuit on hold
By Joseph Slacian
A $1 million class action lawsuit against Harvey Industries has been put on hold.
U.S. Magistrate Judge Christopher A. Nuechterlein issued the hold in late April in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Indiana, South Bend Division.
His ruling came after U.S. District Court for the Eastern Division of Michigan appointed Steve R. Wybo of Conway MacKenzie Inc. as the receiver. 
The lawsuit against the firm, which is based in Livonia, Mich., and has its lone plant in Wabash, was “vacated and continued until such time” the receivership is lifted. Harvey representatives must file a status report within 10 days of the receivership being lifted, or by Aug. 24, 2015, whichever is earlier.
Posted on 2015 May 12
LaFontaine Town Board to have new makeup
Janet Robbins-Pattee (left) chats with others awaiting the returns May 5 in the lobby of the Wabash County Judicial Annex. Pattee was one of three to win the Republican nominations for the LaFontaine Town Board. Photo by Joseph Slacian
By Joseph Slacian
Jay L. Gillespie, Janet I. Robbins-Pattee and Lori A. Brane topped a field of six Republican candidates seeking the party’s nomination for the town council.
While seven people appeared on the ballot, one – J. Tyler Guenin – moved from the town prior to election, and asked people not to vote for him. None-the-less, he received 33 votes.
Gilliespie topped the field, receiving 149 votes. Pattee followed with 139 and Brane wit 136.
Posted on 2015 May 12
Tobias downs Haupert in NM Council race
By Shaun Tilghman
NORTH MANCHESTER -- The Town of North Manchester had just one contested race on the ballot during the May 5 Primary Election, but local voters made their voices heard as challenger Chalmer “Toby” Tobias defeated incumbent Diane Haupert 277-87 to claim the Republican nomination for the Town Council’s District 5 seat. 
Upon learning of his victory, Tobias posted the following on the Chalmer “Toby” Tobias for Town Council page on Facebook last Tuesday evening: “What a whirlwind! We did it! Thank you to all who voted. You made your voice heard loud and clear, and I am incredibly honored to serve as your Councilman.”
Posted on 2015 May 12

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