200-plus signed up for Dam to Dam ride
Riders make their way along a rural Wabash County road east of Lagro during the 2014 Dam to Dam ride. Photo provided
By Joseph Slacian
More than 200 riders have already registered for the Sixth Annual Dam to Dam bicycle ride.
The ride will be on Sunday, Sept. 13.
More than 80 percent of those already signed up are from outside of Wabash County, according to Christine Flohr, Executive Director of the Visit Wabash County and one of the members of the ride committee.
Several riders also are from out-of-state, with some coming from Virginia, Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio and Michigan, as well as Indiana.
Posted on 2015 Aug 11
Sinkholes could cost city $1.7 million to fix; Work likely to continue several more weeks
Street crews began working on the sinkholes located at South Cass and South Carroll streets last week. The sinkholes appeared in late June as a result of heavy rain and flooding that hit much of that area that month.  The project could cost Wabash City approximately $1.7 million to fix. Photo by Emma Rausch
By Joseph Slacian
It could take at least one month, and upwards of $1.7 million, to fix a series of sink holes that cropped up in recent weeks on South Cass and South Carroll streets.
That was the word Wednesday, Aug. 5, to the Wabash Board of Public Works and Safety from City Attorney Doug Lehman and interim Wastewater Treatment Plant Superintendent Rick Price.
The pair was updating the board about the situation, which first appeared in late June due to heavy rain that hit much of the area that month. Two sinkholes, one on Carroll and one on Cass, first appeared about June 28. Crews trying to repair the first two holes discovered a third Tuesday, Aug. 4.
Posted on 2015 Aug 11
Local health department discuss budget plans
By Emma Rausch
The Wabash County Board of Health approved the Health Department’s budget submission for the upcoming year on Tuesday July 28 at the board’s quarterly meeting.
This year, the budgets will “look a little different for several reasons,” said Dr. Jeffrey Pyle, president.
First, he noted, the board typically has four sub-budgets including the County Health Fund, Local Health Maintenance Fund, Trust Fund and Accreditation Fund.
“The Trust and Accreditation were fairly straight forward. Those are both funded by grant monies and those came together pretty routinely like they do each year,” he said. “Currently, we had to move all of our Local Health Maintenance items, that we would normally have in our Local Health Maintenance, all got moved to County Health for the time being.
“If you look in lieu of our current situation that we’re dealing with, the (County) Council and the (State of Indiana) on the issue of the supplantation of the funds, until that gets resolved everything gets shoved into County Health for the time being. When that gets resolved, we can move some things back to where they were before.”
Posted on 2015 Aug 11
Board tables mosquito spraying measure
By Joseph Slacian
After some lengthy debate on Wednesday, Aug. 5, the Wabash Board of Public Works and Safety delayed a decision on allowing the city to spray for mosquitoes during functions by non-profit organizations.
The question came about after the city was asked to spray near the Honeywell House for the July 31 “Jazz on the Lawn” event.
The city’ Street Department, which is in charge of spraying, often gets calls from residents asking them to spray their homes when crews are out, City Attorney Doug Lehman noted.
“For the most part, we really don’t want to get into that type of thing,” he continued. “However, occasionally there is some type of community event where spraying might make sense. The reason we do it is because it’s a public health issue.
“If it’s not going to be a major expense to the city, it makes sense to go ahead in some of those special events to do it.”
Posted on 2015 Aug 11
Plans taking shape for Smokin’ for a Cause
By Joseph Slacian
The Third Annual Smokin’ for a Cause event is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 19, at Paradise Spring Historical Park.
Gary Henderson said he and other organizers are looking for individuals and teams interested in participating in the event, which will benefit Relay for Life, the LIFE Center and an ALS charity. 
But they also are looking for non-profit organizations interested in setting up displays to promote itself and what it does.
Posted on 2015 Aug 11
Voter registration ends Oct. 5 for Municipal Elections; Voter Centers to be located in Wabash, LaFontaine
By Joseph Slacian
The final day to register to vote in the 2015 Municipal Elections is Monday, Oct. 5, Wabash County Clerk Elaine Martin announced.
Those registering at Martin’s office in the Wabash Judicial Annex have until 4 p.m. Oct. 5. Those registering online have until midnight.
However, Martin warned, to register online one must have a valid Indiana Driver’s License or Indiana state-issued identification card. To register online, go to
Posted on 2015 Aug 11
Brainard Excavating to demolish Brown Trucking site
By Joseph Slacian
Only two firms submitted quotes to the City of Wabash to demolish the former Brown Trucking building, located across from the Wabash County YMCA.
Brainard Excavating submitted a quote of $15,325, while CAT Excavating’s quote was $35,000. Each firm also had a $25,000 allowance for landfill fees in the quotes.
Posted on 2015 Aug 11
Wabash City School youths to see changes after first day of school
An OJ Neighbours Elementary School student (right) takes his nervous peer by the hand and walks with her through the entrance of their new school on the first day of school. Photo by Emma Rausch
By Emma Rausch
Wabash City Schools has undergone multiple changes in preparation for the upcoming school year, according to superintendent Jason Callahan.
First, after applying for accreditation in early May, the University of Indianapolis has endorsed Wabash High School as an Early College High School by.
“What they’re trying to do with the Early College High School model is create the rigor and supports to ensure that all kids have the opportunity to be successful in college,” Callahan said. “We see college as anything leading to a living wage, so it’s not just a four-year degree pathway. It can be trade schools, two-year degree, certifications and apprenticeships.
“It’s pretty inclusive definition of ‘college’ so that we can ensure that we’re covering all our kids and not just a segment of our population.”
Posted on 2015 Aug 11

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