IDEM still working to get former GenCorp site cleaned
Heavy vegetation grows where the GenCorp plant once stood along Stitt and Bond streets. Photo by Harold Chatlosh
By Joseph Slacian
The long-vacant GenCorp property at Stitt and Bond streets was the subject of a Wabash City Council discussion on Monday, Sept. 8.
Council member Bryan Dillon asked Mayor Robert Vanlandingham and City Attorney Doug Lehman if there was anything new to report on the matter. Dillon noted that he has been asked about it frequently in recent weeks, and didn’t know how to respond to the questions.
According to Lehman, the Indiana Department of Environmental Management is still working with Aerojet Rocketdyne officials to monitor various wells around the site “before the IDEM reaches a decision on what needs to be done next.”
GenCorp, which was founded as General Tire in 1915, was renamed Aerojet Rocketdyne earlier this year.
Posted on 2015 Oct 06
Community Foundation shines spotlight on Heartland Career Center
Showing off their awards are retiring Community Foundation board members Amy Sullivan (second from left) and Dave Mann. They are joined by Foundation President Steve Hentgen and Foundation Executive Director Patty Grant. Photo by Joseph Slacian
By Joseph Slacian
Supporters of the Community Foundation of Wabash County looked to the past and into the future on Wednesday night, Sept. 30, during the organization’s annual meeting.
Taking place at the Heartland Career Center, Community Foundation officials looked toward the past when honoring two retiring board members, as well as longtime volunteer with the organization. Its look into the future took place during tours of the Career Center, with which the Community Foundation is working to bring better teaching and training to Wabash County.
The highlight of the tour was the welding technology classroom, which Community Foundation helped obtain grants to improve the class’ offerings and equipment.
Posted on 2015 Oct 06
County transit again offers same day service
By Joseph Slacian
Same day service is once again available through the Wabash County Transit (WCT) system.
The change, according to Beverly Ferry, CEO of Living Well in Wabash County, is due to technology. Living Well oversees the WCT.
The service was stopped a few years ago, something Ferry called “a very difficult decision, but it was a necessary one.”
However, thanks to the “cloud,” the service is once again available.
“The solution took a little longer than just a month or two,” Ferry said. “It was a long process figuring out what the solution would be, and how we could do it and how we could pay for it.
“Our scheduling is now in the cloud. Our drivers have tablets that they bring in and out of the buses every day.”
Posted on 2015 Oct 06
Wabash Marketplace dedicates walkway
Wabash Marketplace President Jason Callahan discusses the walkway between Market and Canal streets which was dedicated Friday evening. Photo by Joseph Slacian
By Joseph Slacian
A walkway between Market and Canal streets was dedicated Friday night, Oct. 2, during a brief ceremony that was part of the First Friday celebration.
“The set of cables hung from the buildings will be used for several purposes,” Wabash Marketplace Inc. President Jason Callahan said, “including supports for lighting and hanging of temporary public art.
“Strings of LED bulbs will be decorative and functional. Benches will allow for places of rest, and landscaping will consist of perennials that will thrive in the shadows of the buildings.”
Posted on 2015 Oct 06
Haunted barn coming to fairgrounds
A scene from the haunted barn at the Wabash County 4-H Fairground. Photo by Joseph Slacian
By Joseph Slacian
Ghosts and ghouls are invading the Wabash County Fairgrounds on Friday and Saturday nights through Halloween.
Sponsored by the Wabash County Fair Board, the haunted barn is the idea of Mary and Rick Hollingshead.
“We have been interested in haunted houses for 20-some years,” Mrs. Hollingshead told The Paper of Wabash County. “We go to them and enjoy going through them. We enjoy being scared and hearing other people being scared.”
Posted on 2015 Oct 06
County Council approves first budget reading
By Emma Rausch
The Wabash County Council approved the first reading of the 2016 budget on Monday, Sept. 28, only after making several changes to increase the budget’s overall total.
During the budget reviews, county departments were able to reduce their individual budgets to meet the council’s recommendations, however ended up leaving funds unbudgeted.
Posted on 2015 Oct 06
When disaster strikes: Wabash local returns after fighting west coast wildfires
Johnny White, a local Department of Natural Resources inspector, radios a helicopter carrying water and coordinated where the water should be dropped on a wildfire in Washington. White volunteers as a member of a Type Two Initial Attack Interagency group through the DNR and assists in providing relief for national disasters. Photo provided
By Emma Rausch
Fires burned across the drought-stricken West Coast region again this summer, destroying both residential and wildlife homes. In an effort to prevent further devastation, one Wabash native joined men and women from across the nation on the front lines and fought the fires’ spread.
Johnny White, a local Department of Natural Resources (DNR) inspector for the Division of Oil and Gas, traveled to Chelan, Wash., in August and assisted in snuffing out wildfires for three weeks.
“Did you watch the news at all about the fires,” White asked during an interview with The Paper of Wabash County. “There was a town that got burn over and that was Chelan.
“We were in a base camp near the Columbia River near Chelan and we went out to another fire about 20 miles away. We were spiked out there for about four days and we came back and the town was burnt over.”
Posted on 2015 Oct 06
2,000-plus youngsters experience college during ‘Walk Into My Future’
Manchester University football player Zach Wynn helps a youngster throw a football during the “Walk Into My Future” program Friday at the university. Photo by Shaun Tilghman
By Shaun Tilghman
NORTH MANCHESTER -- More than 2,000 students in kindergarten through third grade from Wabash and Whitley counties visited Manchester University on Friday for the third annual “Walk Into My Future” event, which aims to help the elementary students form a vision of their future that includes the possibility of attending college.
MU hosted the event in conjunction with local and state officials as part of the Wabash County Promise and Whitley County Promise programs, which are collaborations of school, business, church, and community partners working to prepare area youth for post-secondary education and eventually a career.
Posted on 2015 Sep 29

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