Board updated on Stellar projects
By Joseph Slacian
The Wabash Board of Public Works and Safety received a quarterly update on the Wabash Stellar projects.
Rachel Uthe, a landscape architect with American Structurepoint who has been designated as the spokesman for the Stellar work, read from a 16-page report presented to the board.
She briefly discussed the status of each of the various Stellar projects.
Posted on 2015 Oct 27
Testing continues around former GenCorp site
By Joseph Slacian
Testing is continuing around the former site of GenCorp Automotive.
That was the word Wednesday, Oct. 21, from Building Commissioner John Stephens to the Wabash Board of Public Works and Safety.
“We had a meeting with a representative from GenCorp and the testing company doing the analysis of the soil and ground water,” he told the board. “They’re getting close. It’s not a one-shot test. They do a series of tests, and they may expand the area to a little bit larger area.
“Now they are going to pinpoint three areas they want to concentrate a little bit more on. And they’re not big areas.”
Posted on 2015 Oct 27
Board gives two homeowners more time
By Joseph Slacian
Two local homeowners have received a few more weeks to prove to the city’s Board of Public Works and Safety that they are sincere about making improvements to two pieces of property they own.
Harold Burns and Justin Brooks each received an extension – Burns for two weeks and Brooks for 30 days – to develop or complete plans for their respective properties. Burns owns a home at 645 Washington St., while Brooks owns one at 453 E. Main St.
The city and Burns have been discussing the Washington Street property for several weeks. 
Posted on 2015 Oct 27
2 critically injured in crash; Third person sustained injuries, but in fair condition

By The Paper staff

Three people were injured – two critically – in a two-vehicle accident on Saturday, Oct. 24, at the intersection of State Road 124 and County Road 100 West.

At approximately 5:03 p.m., the Wabash County Sheriff's Department responded to a two-vehicle accident.

According to the official report, the preliminary investigation showed that a vehicle driven by Emilie M. Harnish, 17, Wabash, was southbound on CR 100 West when she failed to yield to other vehicles at the intersection of SR 124 and was struck by a vehicle driven by Maureen C. Hall, 57, McComb, Ohio, which was eastbound on SR 124.

Posted on 2015 Oct 26
Wimberly to head local Habitat for Humanity
By Emma Rausch
After serving as Wabash County Habitat for Humanity executive director for two years, Steve Miller is resigning his position for personal reasons, the Wabash County Habitat for Humanity board announced on Oct. 15.
In a press release, Miller stated, “I am pleased to have been a part of building onto the strong legacy of this Habitat Affiliate and helping the Board achieve their goal of working in partnership with our community to address the problem of substandard and poverty housing here in Wabash and across the globe.”
Wabash resident Maggie Wimberly will take over Miller’s work and serve as business manager in the interim.
Posted on 2015 Oct 20
Candidates discuss TIF, other issues
By Joseph Slacian
Wabash’s mayoral candidates discussed the use of TIF funds, bringing housing to the community and the city’s role in helping with educational attainment, among other topics, during a recent debate at the Historic Eagles Theatre.
The candidates – Republican Scott Long, Democrat Margaret “Boo” Salb” and Independent Wade Weaver appeared in the only debate together prior to the election on Oct. 7 in an event sponsored by the Wabash County Chamber of Commerce and The Paper of Wabash County.
Between now and the Nov. 3 election, The Paper will bring questions asked of and responses from the candidates. The full debate can be viewed online on Wabash WebTV
Posted on 2015 Oct 20
Downs named WMI executive director; Former director resigned in mid-September
Steve Downs
By Joseph Slacian
Wabash attorney Steve Downs is the new executive director of Wabash Marketplace, Inc., WMI President Jason Callahan announced Tuesday in a press release.
He replaces Emily Gardner, who resigned her post more than one month ago.
“Emily resigned from Wabash Marketplace on Sept. 17,” Callahan told The Paper of Wabash County. “We were appreciative of the work she did for Wabash Marketplace and we wish her the best on future endeavors.  We are respecting her privacy on the resignation.”
Downs becomes the third WMI director this year. Patrick Sullivan resigned the post in January, and Gardner was named as his replacement in June. The Wabash County Convention & Visitors Bureau oversaw the agency in the interim.


Posted on 2015 Oct 20
Housing complex gets BZA special exception
By Joseph Slacian
For the second time in as many years, a Chicago development company received a special exception to create a housing development in an area now zoned as General Business District.
The firm, JCF Real Estate, received the special exception on Thursday, Oct. 15, from the Wabash Board of Zoning Appeals.
Posted on 2015 Oct 20

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