WHS grads told they have purpose

Two things went through the mind of Wabash High School Valedictorian Linda Fu when she learned she had to give a speech at the school’s May 28 Commencement ceremony.

“First, I can’t believe that we are graduating,” she said. “I definitely don’t feel old enough. Secondly, honestly, I didn’t know how to spell the word valedictorian. So now you must be thinking, the valedictorian doesn’t even know how to spell valedictorian, she must be an imposter.

“Nah. If you truly know me, y’all know common sense is not my best quality, yet somehow I got the highest weighted GPA. This all goes to show that there are different kinds of smarts, and I believe each and every one of you is smart in your little unique ways.

“Plus, after typing that word so many times, I can spell valedictorian now. This all goes to show (that) time and effort really pay off, too.”

Reflecting on her time at Wabash, Fu said something in Erin Sapusek’s DC English class stood out to her: “What it means to be a human?”

Posted on 2021 Jun 08
Southwood senior receives Sheriff's Assoc. scholarship

Southwood High School and Heartland Career Center graduate, Cherish Allen, daughter of Dan and Lisa Allen received a $750 scholarship from Indiana Sheriff’s Association Scholarship Foundation. Cherish was one of 39 candidates to receive it out of 92 applicants in the State of Indiana.

Applicants were required to have future plans to study criminal justice at a four-year institution.

Posted on 2021 Jun 08
Lighthouse Mission cuts ribbon at new Canal Street location

During the First Friday festivities in Downtown Wabash on Friday, June 4, Officials from Lighthouse Mission, 85 Hope, FISH of Wabash County and Advantage Housing cut the ribbon to their new building located at 123 West Canal Street, formerly the Wabash Plain Dealer.
Keith Gillenwater, CEO of Grow Wabash County welcomed the crowd.
“This is the best part of my job, when we get to do ribbon cuttings,” he said. “It doesn’t seem like that long ago that we were doing a ground-breaking, I know it must seem like longer ago to everyone else up here, but doing the ribbon cutting for such a great facility, a reuse of a building, a true partnership between non-profits, local government and our economic development organization to be able to get this building to someone who is going to be able to put life back into it. The organizations that will be represented in this building have been at the forefront of meeting the needs of our community for a long time and we are thrilled to see them at a location that’s going to benefit everyone.”

Posted on 2021 Jun 08
A future with fewer? Group explores impacts, consequences of 5,000 fewer residents in Wabash County

By 2050 Wabash County could have 5,000 fewer residents than it does today. This slow but steady decline began in 1980 when the county reached its high point for in-migration and population. That year, close to 400 people moved in and the population tipped over 36,500 residents for the first time.

Since then, between 50 and 100 households have left each year. Population isn’t the only measure for community vitality, but the consistent loss has had an impact and will continue to compound.

Communities in decline around Indiana and the broader Midwest have experienced a wide range of effects as a result of the trend. Some of these are expected, direct impacts like declining school enrollment, and lower tax revenue or increasing tax burden. Many are more subtle, like a softening retail and housing market, smaller workforce, and others. Now four decades into the trend, Wabash County can document the changes. A loss of 5,000 additional people would mean 1,800 fewer families and their children in the county’s three school districts, 2,000 fewer needed housing units, along with a greater tax burden on remaining residents and businesses.

Posted on 2021 Jun 01
Honeywell Pool opens for summer with an abbreviated schedule

The Honeywell Pool opened over the Memorial Day weekend.

The Wabash Park Board, in a special meeting Wednesday night, voted to open the pool Saturday, Sunday and Monday, May 29-31.

However, because of the current lack of lifeguards, the pool will be closed after that, reopening only on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays until further notice. The pool hours those days will be 1-7 p.m.

Posted on 2021 Jun 01
Heartland seniors receive certificates

Seniors at Heartland Career Center were honored Monday, May 24, during the annual Certificate Presentation and Career Excellence Recognition.

In addition to the certificate presentation, nine Heartland students were named recipients of the school’s 2021 scholarships.

Receiving the scholarships were Cherish Allen, Brooke Bowling, Gabe Garber, Lilly Gentry, Taylor Hoover, Hayley Houlihan, Sheldon Jones, Abigail Schuler and Gabi Wagoner.

Before presenting the certificates, Supervisor of Student Services Pete Dupont noted that Heartland students accounted for 3,190 college credit hours in the dual credit program.

“We also had 170 students earn industry recognized certifications,” he continued. “Congratulations to all those students who earned those honors.”

Dupont also discussed the Career SUCCESS honors received by some students.

Posted on 2021 Jun 01
WHS announces 2021 Valedictorian, Salutatorian

Officials from Wabash High School have announced that the 2021 Valedictorian is Lingjun (Linda) Fu, and the Salutatorian is Madison Bartoo.

Fu plans on attending Indiana University Bloomington to major in business and pre-law.

During her high school career, she was involved in tennis, Key Club, Apaches in Action, SADD, Campus Life, Student 

Council, Book Club, Extension Club, Capernaum, Crossroads Bank Junior Board of Directors, National Honors Society and band.

She was also involved in many community services including ringing bells for Salvation Army, F.I.S.H Food Pantry, Red Cross blood drive and the Wabash Rotary Club.

“It’s very rewarding to be awarded valedictorian since academics have always been a priority throughout my life,” said Fu. 

“By taking many dual credit courses at Wabash High School, I have been able to have a little taste of the academic challenges I will experience in the future.”

Fu said that in her lifetime, she would like to help end stereotypes.

Posted on 2021 May 25
City Schools board gives formal OK for superintendent

The Wabash City School Board members met on Monday, May 17 to conduct business. During this meeting, the board voted to approve the contract and addendum of Amy Sivley as WCS Superintendent. The contract is set for three years, beginning July 1, 2021.

Sivley told The Paper of Wabash County that she is excited to start her new position with Wabash City Schools.

“When I started researching the school corporation, I found that their strategic plan and mission statement really aligned with my beliefs,” she said.

Also, during the meeting, the board:

Approved recommendation to adopt the Preliminary Bond Resolution.

Approved recommendation to adopt the Declaration of Official Intent to Reimburse Expenditures.

Posted on 2021 May 25

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