Alley Dog Fine Art Gallery opens in downtown Wabash
Terry Pulley stands in front of several of his paintings on display at Alley Dog Fine Art Gallery. Photo by Emma Rausch
By Emma Rausch
Wabash resident Terry Pulley’s artwork now hangs in the 49 W. Market St. studio after the award-winning artist opened his business, Alley Dog Fine Art Gallery, on Friday, Oct. 7.
After a lifetime of learning how to paint, Pulley, a self-taught artist, said he decided to open his own art gallery with his wife Teresa’s blessing and support, because it has been one of his dreams.
“I’ve been an artist for probably close to 50 years,” Pulley told The Paper of Wabash County. “I didn’t not do this as a profession, but I’ve always been involved in the arts. I’ve shown in many galleries … and so know the gallery business, I know the art business, but one of the things, and it’s always been one of my dreams, is to have my own gallery to where I can just show my works and I can just be in charge of all the decision making."
Posted on 2016 Oct 25
Students help pen song about Wabash
Students and staff from The Access Learning Academy – Lindy Miller (front, from left), Zach Steele, Austin Lester, Laura Helm (back, from left) Richard Key, Brianna Murphy, Liz Hobbs, Dominic Holmes, Braxton Conlee —worked with Aaron Barker and Marty Dodson to writhe a song about Wabash. Photo by Joseph Slacian
By Joseph Slacian
There’s a new song about the City of Wabash.
“Keep the Light On” was written Thursday morning, Oct. 20, by Nashville singer-songwriters Aaron Barker and Marty Dodson, along with students from The Access Learning Academy. It was one of several songs written by the pair and students around the area as part of the Honeywell Center’s Outreach Education Program.
“It’s the week of the year that I look forward to,” Barker told The Paper of Wabash County following the duo’s working with the kids. “Probably the only constant in my life is this regular trip up to Wabash. I get to think about it and anticipate it all year.”
Posted on 2016 Oct 25
Brenton’s back

Brenton Yarger parades his chicken through the auction ring at last year’s Wabash County 4-H Fair. He donated half the money he received from the sale to his Shop With a Cop fundraiser. Photo by Joseph Slacian

By Joseph Slacian

A Wabash County youth will begin a quest this week to raise money for the local Shop With a Cop program.

Brenton Yarger will begin standing in front of Walmart raising funds for the Christmas program that helps underprivileged children have a good holiday.

Beginning Saturday, Oct. 29, Brenton will be outside Walmart on 10 days, raising funds and collecting aluminum cans which he recycles and puts the proceeds toward his fundraising efforts.

Posted on 2016 Oct 25
New Chiropractic office opens on Cass Street

Dr. John Godfrey demonstrates an adjustment, a chiropractic care service offered at his new office on Cass Street. The Chiropractic Service Station is open Monday through Saturday, times vary. Photo by Emma Rausch

By Emma Rausch

The Chiropractic Service Station opened its doors on Cass Street Monday, Oct. 10, and will add to Wabash’s existing chiropractic care, according to Dr. John Godfrey, business owner and practitioner.

The new practice, located in the Shoppers Mart at 1146 N. Cass St. Suite C, took over the former Wells Chiropractic storefront in May after Godfrey and his wife, Angel, moved to the area in the same month.

Oklahoma City natives, the couple moved to Wabash to be closer to family and brought the practice with them in the move.

“After fives months (of preparations), I’m looking forward to meeting new patients and getting to know the community,” Godfrey told The Paper of Wabash County. “We want (the practice) to feel like a family operation.”

Posted on 2016 Oct 25
Increase in mycotoxins seen in local corn crop
A sample of an ear of corn with aflatoxin. Photo provided
By Emma Rausch
The majority of Wabash County’s corn farmers are reporting elevated levels of mycotoxins in their crops and it could mean trouble if not handled properly, according to Curt Campbell, Wabash County Purdue Extension educator.
Mycotoxins are natural chemicals that are associated with ear rot and can be harmful for humans and animals to ingest, according to, Purdue University’s research website.
Farmers across the state report mycotoxins annually and, therefore, it is common to see low levels of the toxins throughout the agricultural community, according Charles Woloshuk, a botany and plant pathology professor at Purdue University whose research specializes in mycotoxins associated with grain production.
However, in Wabash County, corn producers are reporting ear rot associated with two forms of mycotoxin, vomitoxin and aflatoxin, according to Campbell.
Posted on 2016 Oct 18
Nearly 23,000 registered to vote in election
By Emma Rausch
Voter registration closed Tuesday, Oct. 11, and more than 22,700 Wabash County residents will be eligible to vote this Election Day, Nov 8, according to Theresa Ehret, Wabash County deputy clerk.
“It picked up a lot,” Ehret told The Paper of Wabash County. “This weekend (Oct 8-9) through (Thursday, Oct. 13) I have processed 454 registrations. That was between the BMV, online registrations and mail-ins.
“Right now we have a total of 22,724 on the roster right now with another 419 pending and in those pending are address updates and new registrations.”
Posted on 2016 Oct 18
City OKs sewage, stormwater rate hikes
By Joseph Slacian
Increases in the sewage and stormwater rates were approved on first reading Tuesday night, Oct. 11, by the Wabash City Council.
The three-phase sewage rate increase, the first since 2010, will range from $2.13 in 2017 to $2.37 in 2019, based on residential use of 5,000 gallons per month. The increase is 5.6 percent annually for the three-year period, or 16.8 percent over the three years.
Posted on 2016 Oct 18
New computer, electronic repair business celebrates grand opening
Joey Trudeau (center), with the assistance of his daughter Emilie and son Brayden, cut the ceremonious red as youngest son Conrad looks on while being held by Brian Jasmantas (third from right). Wabash County Chamber members (from left) Lance Agness, Richard King, Rachel Olsen and (far right) Steve Kirtlan joined the Trudeaus as they commemorated the occasion. Photo by Emma Rausch
By Emma Rausch
Computer and Electronic Repair Technician LLC is now open for business after owner/operator Joey Trudeau cut the ceremonious red ribbon to mark the store’s grand opening on Friday, Oct. 7.
From computers and laptops to antique electronics “all the way back to vacuum tubes,” arcade machines, game consoles, cellphones and tablets, Trudeau is a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to repairs.
“If you can plug it in and turn it on, chances are I can fix it,” Trudeau told The Paper of Wabash County.
Posted on 2016 Oct 18

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