Drug Task Force busy in 2016: 95 cases investigated is second most on record
By Emma Rausch
Wabash County’ Drug Task Force (DTF) initiated 95 cases in 2016, Mayor Scott Long reported in his State of the City address Monday, Feb. 13.
Although it operated at only half capacity last year, the task force conducted its second highest case total, with only 2015 reporting more with 109 cases.
When broken down, the DTF initiated 41 methamphetamine-related cases and 34 methamphetamine lab cases while also commencing nine heroin cases, one cocaine case, six marijuana cases, two pharmaceuticals-related cases, one synthetic drug case and one theft at the police department.
Posted on 2017 Feb 28
Dog park dedication scheduled for June 2
By Joseph Slacian
Officials with the new dog park hope to have a grand opening ceremony during First Friday activities on June 2.
Gary Henderson, who has spearheaded a movement to create a park in Wabash for several years, said the committee chose that date for the site when it met on Wednesday, Feb. 22.
Posted on 2017 Feb 28
NM man faces gun charge
Mason K. France
By David Fenker and Emma Rausch
NORTH MANCHESTER – A North Manchester man is facing felony charges in connection with a federal investigation of a Rochester gun shop robbery.
Mason K. France, 19, was arrested Thursday, Feb. 16, on the charges of felony dangerous control of a firearm, felony theft, and felony obstruction of justice.
“Dangerous control of a firearm” is defined as when an adult knowingly, intentionally or recklessly gives a child a firearm for any purpose other than in certain exempt circumstances, according to Indiana State code.
Posted on 2017 Mar 10
Walorski talks Trump administration, tax reform at Wabash roundtable

Congresswoman Jackie Walorski, Indiana 2nd District, speaks with Michael Abbott, lean coordinator, during a tour of the Global Precision Parts on Wednesday, Feb. 22. Walorski also toured the Wabash County Historical Museum during her visit to Wabash before attending a roundtable with local business leaders. Photo by Emma Rausch

By Emma Rausch

Congresswoman Jackie Walorski sat down and talked business with locals Wednesday, Feb. 22, at a private roundtable meeting in the Wabash County Historical Museum.

After touring Global Precision Parts, Walorski, who represents Indiana’s 2nd District in the U.S. House of Representatives, spoke with Wabash’s business leaders at the closed meeting per the request of City Mayor Scott Long.

Posted on 2017 Feb 28
Walorski: Trump is most productive president in 50 years
By Emma Rausch
President Donald Trump’s “first 100 days have been more productive than probably any president” in 50 years, according to U.S. Representative Jackie Walorski.
In less than a month, Trump has signed 13 executive orders, according to the White House website.
During a visit to Wabash on Wednesday, Feb. 22, Walorski told The Paper of Wabash County that she thinks “he’s doing exactly what he told the American people he would do.”
Posted on 2017 Feb 28
Wabash March of Dimes kicks off annual walk March 9

Kyle and Heidi Merrick cradle their daughter Kendall, who was born prematurely at 27 weeks and six days. The Merricks are this year’s Wabash March of Dimes ambassadors. Photo provided

By Emma Rausch

The Wabash Committee for the March of Dimes will host its March for Babies kickoff event Thursday, March 9, at Wellbrooke of Wabash.

Open to the public, the kickoff will provide important information about the March of Dimes, March for Babies Walk and the annual Zumba-thon fundraiser as well as offer attendees the opportunity to meet this year’s March of Dimes Ambassadors Heidi Merrick and her daughter, Kendall.










Posted on 2017 Feb 28
Lagro Township seeks to purchase town firehouse
By Emma Rausch
LAGRO – The Lagro Town Council and the Lagro Township met Wednesday, Feb. 22, to discuss the possible sale of the town’s firehouse.
Currently owned by the town council, the building’s transfer “would definitely benefit the township,” Council President Richard Monce told The Paper of Wabash County
“The township, which occupies 90 percent of the building, has a need to do some further expansion to the building,” Monce said, “and in order to do that, they’re going to own the building because the town simply cannot afford to add on the additions that they require.”
Posted on 2017 Feb 28
Lack of space sends four prisoners to Wells County Jail
By David Fenker
Four female Wabash County prisoners were transferred to the Wells County Jail over the weekend.
According to Wabash County Sheriff Bob Land, the transfers occurred due to a lack of space at both the Wabash County and Miami County facilities.
“We’re not sure how long they’ll be there,” Land said. “We had more females today… and it was just that Miami County couldn’t take them.”
Posted on 2017 Feb 28

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