Rock City Lofts on schedule, on budget
By Joseph Slacian
The Rock City Lofts project is on schedule and on budget.
That’s what Brent Mather told the Wabash City Council on Monday night, March 13, during an update on the Stellar Community Grant project.
The project seeks to create 42 senior citizen apartments in the building on the south side of East Market Street, Mather, of R&B Architecture, reminded the council.
Posted on 2017 Mar 21
March of Dimes asks locals to spread awareness

March of Dimes team leaders crowd together for a photo opportunity to promote the Wabash March for Babies and other fundraising events, like the Zumbathon. Photo by Emma Rausch

By Emma Rausch

The Wabash Committee for the March of Dimes kicked off its 2017 fundraising season Thursday, March 9, and encouraged locals to march for its cause.

“Our mission is very clear,” Pat Vanlandingham, local committee chairman, said. “In our country, one in 10 babies are born too soon. In fact, premature birth is the number one killer of babies. It brings fear and heartache to families, friends and co-workers, putting their dreams of tomorrow on hold.

“Our goal is to drive down the numbers of early births and give more and more babies a fighting chance.”

Posted on 2017 Mar 21
Metal Source program educates youth on recycling

Students gather around a replica R2-D2 made from recycled scrap metal during a Metal Source presentation Friday, March 10, which was designed to get the youths excited about recycling. Photo by Emma Rausch

By Emma Rausch

O.J. Neighbours students are gearing up for Earth Day, April 22, with a month-long program aimed at getting kids excited about recycling.

Led by Metal Source, a Wabash-based facility, the program educates third grade youth on the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling through positive encouragement, according to Susan Mattern, Metal Source project designer.






Posted on 2017 Mar 21
MCS board may allow homeschoolers in extracurriculars
By David Fenker
NORTH MANCHESTER -- Homeschooled students may soon be able to participate in extracurricular activities through Manchester Community Schools.
Manchester Jr.-Sr. High School Principal Dr. Jon Lippe and MJSHS Athletic Director Jeremy Markham presented a local grandparent’s request to allow homeschooled children to participate at the MCS Board of School Trustees’ March 14 meeting.
“Currently, we don’t have a policy, so homeschool kids do not participate,” Lippe said.
Posted on 2017 Mar 21
MSD pays off Child Development Center Fund
By Emma Rausch
MSD of Wabash County’s Child Development Center (CDC) Fund is officially paid off and now the board has its sites set to repay its depleted Self Insurance Fund, Superintendent of Finance Chris Kuhn said at the board’s meeting Tuesday, March 14.
In February, the MSD board approved two resolutions. The first transferred $300,000 from the Capital Projects Fund into the Rainy Day Fund (RDF) while the second transferred $260,880.07 from the RDF into the CDC Fund, also known as the 1310 Fund. Approximately $40,000 remained in the RDF for other costs and payments.
“That (the CDC) is what we had in conjunction with area program, WMAP, that was the amount of money that MSD still owed the balance (on) and so it was in the red,” Kuhn told The Paper of Wabash County. “So we had to zero that out. The state Board of Accounts required us kind of pay ourselves that back in the way to zero that out.”
Posted on 2017 Mar 21
More bridgework planned for SR 13
By David Fenker
Another summer, another bridge replacement on State Road 13.
The Indiana Department of Transportation has tentative plans to replace the bridge on SR 13 over the Eel River in July 2017, according to County Highway Superintendent John Martin.
Martin presented a letter of understanding from INDOT at the Monday, March 20, meeting of the Wabash County Commissioners regarding an unofficial detour for the planned construction.
Posted on 2017 Mar 21
Silver Lake man facing fourth set of HIV-related charges
Travis R. Spoor
By David Fenker
Officers with the Kosciusko County Sheriff’s Department recently arrested a Silver Lake man in response to allegations that he failed to disclose his HIV positive status to a sexual partner.
Travis R. Spoor, 37, of Silver Lake now faces his fourth set of charges stemming from failing to inform partners of his HIV positive status. The most recent charge is malicious mischief with food, defined by Indiana Code as when “a person recklessly, knowingly or intentionally places human body fluid or fecal waste in a location with the intent that another person will ingest” it.
Posted on 2017 Mar 21
Wabash Presbyterian launches revamped preschool program
By Emma Rausch
The Wabash Presbyterian Church (WPC) will be launching a refreshed preschool program with brand new curriculum in September.
For 40 years, the church has offered preschool services to the Wabash community and, this year, the board decided to deepen its program’s quality, according to Jonathan Cornell, WPC pastor.
“We undertook a curriculum redevelopment process,” Cornell told The Paper of Wabash County. “About eight months ago we started discussing this. Seeing an opportunity to deepen the quality and intentionality of our preschool."
Posted on 2017 Mar 21

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