Local artist donates guitar; Chili for Charity to raffle item signed by legend Willie Nelson

Michael “Hap” Hapner shows off the hand-painted guitar signed by country music legend Willie Nelson. The guitar will be raffled during the Wabash Cannonball Chili for Charity Chili Cook-off. Photo by Joseph Slacian

By Joseph Slacian

A specially painted guitar signed by country music legend Willie Nelson will be among the items raffled off at the 15th annual Wabash Cannonball Chili for Charity Chili Cook-off.

The guitar was prepared by nationally recognized and local reuse artist, Michael “Hap” Hapner, who wanted to do something in honor of the event’s 15th anniversary.

He presented the guitar to the Chili for Charity organizing committee on Thursday, Aug. 24.






Posted on 2017 Aug 29
MSD Board approves advertising 2018 budget
By Emma Rausch
The MSD of Wabash County Board of Education will be advertising its 2018 budget following a unanimous vote Tuesday night, Aug. 22.
The board began budget discusses in July. 
At Tuesday night’s meeting, Kuhn informed the board that the 2018 budget will be advertised at $26,352,336 with an assessed value of $623,684,399. For 2017, the advertised assessed value was $652,215,425 while the actual was $733,746,352.
Posted on 2017 Aug 29
AgVenture McKillip Seeds hosts annual field day
By Joseph Slacian
This past spring was a challenge for all farmers, Mike McKillip, president of AgVenture McKillip Seeds, told a crowd of several hundred farmers Friday, Aug. 25.
He made the remarks during the firm’s annual field day.
“We started out, and we thought we were in a really great position,” he continued. “Most of the seed was either picked up from the seed house, or staged for pick up. And then Mother Nature threw us a curve ball for about three or four weeks.”
Posted on 2017 Aug 29
Event helps raise funds for leader dogs
Karen Eilts takes a paw print from a visitor’s dog at Bark and Brew on Saturday. Photo by Joseph Slacian
By Joseph Slacian
Downtown Wabash literally went to the dogs on Saturday afternoon … but it was all for a good cause.
Bark & Brew, hosted by Midwest Eye Consultants in conjunction with Chapman Brewing Co., took place on Miami Street between Market and Canal streets. Proceeds from the event will go to Leader Dogs for the Blind.
The firm pledged $25,000 to the group, and Saturday’s event will likely put the firm at the pledge mark, according to Leslie Frantz, of Midwest Eye.

“This is obviously our first year to do this, and we didn’t know what to expect, but the streets have been crowded all day long,” she said.


Posted on 2017 Aug 29
Visit Wabash County’s digital impact growing
By David Fenker
After hiring Marketing Manager Whitney Millspaugh more than a year ago, Visit Wabash County’s digital impact more than quadrupled.
That was the core of the report given by Christine Flohr, the organization’s executive director of tourism, at Monday’s meeting of the Wabash County Board of Commissioners.
Flohr said that Millspaugh’s work, which includes marketing the organization’s partners and events in addition to advertising the county in publications throughout the state and nation, has drastically improved its online presence and impact.
Posted on 2017 Aug 29
Wabash City Schools approves 2018 budget projections
By Emma Rausch
The Wabash City Schools Board of Education approved its 2018 budget projections Monday night, Aug. 21. Before advertising, however, the corporation will have to receive the budget’s final authorization from the Wabash City Council.
Since the WCS Board is one of approximately 13 statewide that is still appointed, state law mandates that the appointing body give final say on the school’s budget. Matt Stone, WCS chief business officer, reminded the board that while it approves the Capital Projects Fund and Bus Replacement Plan, the city council approves the General Fund.
Stone will present the budget projections at the Monday, Aug. 28, Wabash City Council meeting.
Posted on 2017 Aug 29
E-cigarette use down among teens, survey shows

By Joseph Slacian

BLOOMINGTON -- The 27th Indiana Youth Survey, conducted by the Indiana Prevention Resource Center at Indiana University's School of Public Health-Bloomington, highlights a significant decrease in the use of e-cigarettes and vapor products among students in all grades except grade seven. Yet e-cigarettes remain the primary form of nicotine consumption for Indiana youth.

"Even with a decline in use, we are concerned by the numbers of youth using electronic vapor products, as well as traditional tobacco products, such as cigarettes," said Ruth Gassman, executive director of the Indiana Prevention Resource Center. "All tobacco or nicotine-based products have health risks."

Posted on 2017 Aug 29
Crop yields to be similar to ‘16
By Emma Rausch
Indiana crops, including Wabash County, are yielding similar corn and soybean productions as 2016, according to a United States Department of Agriculture crop production report.
The report, which was released Monday, Aug. 14, stated that “cooler temperatures helped growing crops use less water,” but later added that some areas are starting to show signs of drought stress.
Curt Campbell, Purdue Extension – Wabash County extension educator, told The Paper of Wabash County that so far in the county, the crop yields are similar to last year’s.
Posted on 2017 Aug 22

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