Old dairy barn gets new life

The former Charles and Helen Shear dairy barn will soon host parties, receptions and more. Photos by Joseph Slacian

By Joseph Slacian

Steve and Deb Conner purchased her grandparents farm on County Road 500 East about eight years ago.

The couple refurbished the house; but there was the elephant in the room, rather, the old bank barn on the property that the couple wasn’t quite sure what to do with.

“It is a big old farm and an old dairy barn, just sitting there waiting for someone to do something with,” Mrs. Conner said earlier this year before the Wabash County Plan Commission.

Posted on 2017 Sep 26
Cooks try their hand at smoked food competition

Smokin’ for a Cause participants look on as visitors prepare to sample their food on Saturday afternoon at Paradise Spring Historical Park. Photos by Joseph Slacian

By Joseph Slacian

Competitors from as far away as Brownsburg and Lebanon competed with local cooks on Saturday, Sept. 23, during the fifth annual Smokin’ for a Cause.

Five teams competed for bragging rights in grilled chicken, smoked chicken, smoked ribs and pulled pork.

“We’re kind of down a little this year,” organizer Gary Henderson said.

Posted on 2017 Sep 26
Wabash County farm earns Hoosier Homestead Sesquicentennial Award

Ben Smith poses for a photo with the Hoosier Homestead Sesquicentennial Award, which was bestowed upon his farm on March 23, 2016. Photo by Emma Rausch

By Emma Rausch

Ben Smith’s farm on South 400 West is a Sesquicentennial Hoosier Homestead, a title not many else can claim and one Smith is proud of.

In March 2016, the Indiana Department of Agriculture recognized farm for being owned by the Smith family for more than 150 years.

Since 1849, Smith’s family passed down the homestead for 168 years, or six generations.







Posted on 2017 Sep 26
Local municipalities benefit from Community Crossing grant
By Emma Rausch
Four Wabash County municipalities received a portion of $150 million in state-matching funds through the Next Level Roads: Community Crossing Initiative, Gov. Eric Holcomb and the Indiana Department of Transportation announced Wednesday, Sept. 20.
Created by the General Assembly in 2016, Community Crossings funds are awarded from the state’s local road and bridge matching grant fund. Wabash, North Manchester, Roann and LaFontaine were named as four of the 396 cities to receive the state matching funds this year.
“Superior local roads are a key factor in maintaining Indiana’s reputation as the Crossroads of America,” Holcomb said. “I am encouraged that a record number of communities applied for and received funds this year, and I’m grateful to lawmakers for increasing the funding to sustain the Community Crossing Initiative.”
Posted on 2017 Sep 26
Board of Public Works tables bids for sanitary sewer extension work
By Joseph Slacian
The Wabash Board of Public Works and Safety received, and tabled, two bids for the sanitary sewer extension work on Glenn Avenue and Sivey Street.
Brainard Excavating bid $45,540.50 for the project, while Eads & Son bid $37,289.05.
Posted on 2017 Sep 26
Commissioners to investigate utility permit changes
By David Fenker
A routine utility permit sparked a brief discussion on the permitting process at the Monday, Sept. 25, meeting of the Wabash County Commissioners.
County Highway Superintendent John Martin presented a permit allowing Indiana Fiber Network to lay fiber optic cable along county roads 400 East and 150 North, a type of request that is usually approved unanimously with no discussion from the commissioners.
Chairman Scott Givens took the opportunity to discuss potential changes to the way the county handles utility permits.
Posted on 2017 Sep 26
City receives, tables bids to demolish home
By Joseph Slacian
The City of Wabash received two bids to demolish a home at 20 E. Harrison St.
However, the board tabled the bids during its meeting on Thursday, Sept. 21, to give the home’s owner, Jan Bailey, a chance to demolish the home on her own.
Posted on 2017 Sep 26
Rawski joins Wabash Chiropractic as licensed massage therapist
Kristine Rawski
By Emma Rausch
Licensed massage therapist Kristine Rawski joined the staff at Wabash Chiropractic Center in early September and adding to the facility’s wholesome healthcare services.
Rawski, a Peru native, received her Associate of Applied Science degree in therapeutic massage from the Fort Wayne Ivy Tech Community College in May. In June, she completed her State of Indiana licensing requirements and is a member of the American Massage Therapy Association.
Posted on 2017 Sep 26

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