City OKs step in Eagles project
By Joseph Slacian
Mayor Scott Long now has the authority to sign the Eagles Theatre construction contract.
The Wabash City Council, by a 7-0 vote Tuesday night, Oct. 10, gave Long the authority to do so. 
Posted on 2017 Oct 17
Helping Tiffany; Weekend benefit to help raise funds for cancer fight

The Franks -- Brad, Tyce and Tiffany -- enjoy the outdoors. Photo provided

By Joseph Slacian

To say Tiffany (Everroad) Frank has been through quite a bit the last few years would be a complete understatement.

In October 2014, Tiffany found a lump in her breast. She went to the doctor, confident it would be nothing to be concerned about. She was wrong. It turned out to be ductal carcinoma (DCIS).

She opted to have a mastectomy, and all was going well.

Posted on 2017 Oct 10
IDOE announces 2016-17 school accountability grades; Majority of Wabash schools maintain previous letter grade
By Emma Rausch and David Fenker
The Indiana Department of Education announced the 2016-2017 accountability grades Wednesday, Oct. 4, and one Wabash county school improved while the majority maintained their score from the previous year.
Of the 12 participating schools, two received A scores, four received B grades and six received Cs.
White’s Junior-Senior High School currently has an “appeals pending” status.
Posted on 2017 Oct 10
O.J. seeks funds to restore pioneer schoolhouse

Originally constructed in 1840 as the Pleasant Hill School, the schoolhouse was donated to O.J. Neighbours in 1986. Its addition sparked the beginning of the Wabash elementary school’s pioneer re-enactment. Photo by Emma Rausch

By Emma Rausch

O.J. Neighbours’ pioneer schoolhouse is in need of restoration and the Wabash elementary is asking for the public’s help in the endeavor, according to Danielle Miller, principal.

Days prior to O.J. Neighbours’ 29th annual re-enactment on Sept. 14, the schoolhouse, a 177-year-old structure, officially sunk into itself due to decaying logs in the back, right corner, Miller told The Paper of Wabash County.

“At this point with the schoolhouse, it has to be completely refurbished,” Miller said. “The logs are 177-years-old and even though we have done waterproofing and different things, time has taken its toll.

“We’re to the point where the majority of the logs, 75 to 90 percent of the logs, are not salvageable,” she later added. “So we are going to have to do a lot of work to it. Most of the estimates coming in at this point are $50,000 to $75,000.”

Posted on 2017 Oct 10
City delays action on two structures
By Joseph Slacian
A decision on the fate of two structures in Wabash has been delayed until next week by the Wabash Board of Works and Public Safety.
Mike Galley, 1284 Willard Drive, and Jan Bailey, 20 W. Harrison St., must reappear before the board to learn the fate of a storage facility and a house, respectively.
Posted on 2017 Oct 10
County council considers using PSAP approach to LIT rates
By Emma Rausch
Wabash County homestead property owners may not see an increase on their taxes after all following the Wabash County Council’s meeting on Monday, Sept. 25.
The council continued its discussion on the LIT rates on Monday, setting aside ideas discussed at its August meeting.
On Aug. 28, Darren Bates, of DataPitStop, proposed that the council should review the county’s circuit breaker program, which provides tax relief credits to homeowners, and possibly take away some of the credits to assist with growing the levy by 4 percent without raising the tax rates.
Posted on 2017 Oct 10
MSD approves Athletic Code
By Emma Rausch
MSD of Wabash County’s Athletic Code was approved Tuesday, Sept. 26, with only changes made to replace slashes with “and or.”
The policy’s changes passed with a 3-2 vote after nearly a 30-minute discussion regarding a possible additional revision to the code proposed by Board member Todd Dazey.
On Sept. 19, Dazey introduced an amendment that established harsher punishment if a student violated state code, specifically in terms of possession of alcohol, tobacco or a controlled substance. If implemented, students found in violation would miss the remainder of the scheduled season on first offense, with the option of lessening the punishment by 25 percent if the student attended the Bowen Center. Upon second offense, the student would miss 365 days of sports.
Posted on 2017 Oct 10
MHS alumnus joins ‘Jersey Boys’ for national tour

Jonathan Cable

By Emma Rausch

Manchester High School alumnus Jonathan Cable joined the cast of the “Jersey Boys” on national tour this August and will be coming to Wabash on Thursday, Oct. 19, for the musical’s Honeywell Center performance.

Cable and his family moved to North Manchester from Pennsylvania in 1994, the summer before his fourth grade year. It was in the Wabash County town that Cable explored all of his interests.

“I think of Indiana as the place where I was really able to pursue many different things,” Cable told The Paper of Wabash County. “I was able to be a very diverse kid and really explore different things that I enjoyed from sports to various musical pursuits, piano or singing."

Posted on 2017 Oct 10

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