Sharp Creek raises $1,500-plus for park

By The Paper staff

Like many schools in Wabash County, Sharp Creek Elementary recently participated in the Pennies for Playground fundraiser to raise money for the all- inclusive playground in Wabash. 

Two sixth grade students, Cheyenne Miracle and Madeline Moore, organized the fundraiser for Sharp Creek as part of a Genius Hour project.  The students had partnered together and wanted to raise money to help the community.  When they took their idea to Principal Jay Snyder, he suggested they take charge of the Pennies for Playground project. 

Posted on 2018 Apr 03
Council grants Midwest Poultry abatement

By Josh Sigler


David Fenker

The Wabash County Council approved several measures at its monthly meeting Monday, March 26.

The meeting kicked off with the approval of a tax abatement for Midwest Poultry as they begin to rebuild from a fire back in the fall.

“This was a no-brainer situation,” council chairman Randy Curless said. “We have a company that has supported Wabash for many years. And, I think altogether they have 400-some employees. I believe that passing this abatement has something to do with the $25 million they are going to invest.”

Posted on 2018 Apr 03
Council gets preview of park master plan

By Joseph Slacian

The City of Wabash’s park system is running well. But as with everything, there is room for improvement.

That was the consensus Monday night, March 26, following a presentation of the Wabash Park Department’s five-year master plan by Layne Elliott and Gina Depper of the Eppley Institute for Parks and Public Lands to the Wabash City Council.

The pair has been working with Park Superintendent Adam Hall and the Wabash Board of Parks and Recreation for about a year to develop the plan.

Posted on 2018 Apr 03
Stellar communities see substantial economic investments, study shows

By Joseph Slacian

An evaluation by the Sagamore Institute of the Stellar Communities Program, shows that Indiana communities, either receiving a Stellar designation or being named a program finalist, have achieved substantial economic investments and transformative quality of place improvements.

Launched in 2011, the Stellar Communities Program is a multi-year, multi-million dollar investment initiative led by the Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA), which is overseen by Indiana Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch. The program works with communities to develop their strategic community investment plans, promote local and regional partnerships and implement comprehensive solutions to challenges facing Indiana’s rural communities.

Posted on 2018 Apr 03
Hegel memory lives on with Farm Bureau scholarship

By Josh Sigler

Lifetime Wabash County resident Carolyn Hegel dedicated her life to the causes of the Indiana Farm Bureau, with her energy and passion for her work leaving her a revered figure in the organization.

She served as the second vice president of the Indiana Farm Bureau from 1980 to 2006, but she wore other hats within the organization, serving as a staff member of the women’s division and chaired the state women’s committee.

She passed away in 2016, leaving a lasting legacy with the Farm Bureau.

Posted on 2018 Apr 03
MSD Board approves study

By Josh Sigler

The Metropolitan School District of Wabash County’s school board voted 3-2 in favor of approving Yager Educational Services to conduct a study for advancement at Tuesday, March 27’s three hour meeting.

Superintendent Mike Keaffaber discussed the reasons as to why the decision was made to go with Yager, and not the other candidate, Administrator Assistance.

“The biggest thing is because it is a qualitative study, and really being able to receive information from the community and our stake holders,” Keaffaber said. “What we did with Phase 1 is something that Administrator Assistance would do. A lot of those things the Community Foundation did for us, and we’re very appreciative of.

“They gave us that information. It really has to do with that community voice. That’s what I’ve been saying. The knowledge and respect that Dr. (Steve) Yager has through his experiences as an educator and also the state board of education (is invaluable).”

Posted on 2018 Apr 03
Inclusive Park reaches funding goal

By Joseph Slacian

The people of Wabash County stepped up once again.

This time, they helped the city’s Inclusive Park Committee reach its goal of raising $50,000 in 50 days. Doing so qualified the committee to receive a $50,000 matching grant from the state’s patronicity grant.

Committee co-chair Shelly Myers announced the success with her son, Cason, in a video posted Wednesday, March 28, on the It’s More Than a Playground Facebook page.

The drive’s success helped the committee reach its $1.7 million goal for the park, which will be located on South Carroll Street, just south of the current John Drook Skate Park.

Posted on 2018 Apr 03
Officials update residents on WRT

Lagro Town Council president Richard Monce speaks during the Wabash River Trail public meeting. Photo by Joseph Slacian

By Joseph Slacian

LAGRO – The Lagro portion of the Wabash River Trail could be dedicated in early June.

Meanwhile, work on the Wabash to Lagro portion of the trail – specifically, a portion near the Paradise Spring Historic Park – could begin later this year.

Those were the main messages Wednesday, March 28, during a public meeting of the Wabash River Trail committee. The meeting, the second of two public meetings, was ordered by the Northeast Indiana Regional Development Authority so the WRT committee would qualify for more than $900,000 for the project.

Posted on 2018 Apr 03

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